Financial Services
Social Security Benefits and Disability Programs

The United States government is an independent federal agency which administers various social security programs, including social security, disability, and survivors benefits. It administers most of the other federal retirement programs as well. The social security administration is one of the oldest sections of the federal government and has been in existence since 1935. As a part of this agency there are several agencies and departments, including Social Security Officers who administers these programs.
The Social Security Administration regulates many of the other agencies of the federal government. These include Social Security Insurance (SSI) and Medicare which is jointly administered by the Social Security Administration and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services respectively.
There are also programs administered by the SSAA that administer worker’s compensation benefits to employees. These programs include workers compensation benefits. A workers compensation benefit program can be used to provide workers compensation benefits to injured or disabled workers and their families and is based on the worker’s compensation benefits that have already been paid.
Many people are under the impression that workers’ compensation benefits and social security benefits are separate agencies, but in fact they are one and the same. In order to receive workers’ compensation benefits, employers must provide workers’ compensation benefits when they are injured on the job.
The Social Security Administration will pay a portion of the benefits that you are eligible to receive if you meet a specific set of criteria. Some of the criteria that the Social Security Administration requires you to meet are: being unable to work, having been unable to work for any reason other than sickness, not being able to work due to injury, being unable to work due to rehabilitation, or being unable to work due to old age. If you are disabled in any of these ways, you may not qualify for any of your Social Security benefits. However, you may qualify for some of your workers’ compensation benefits.
In addition to workers compensation benefits, you may also qualify to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. Most people qualify for disability benefits when they have been physically disabled due to accidents, illness, trauma, or disease and are unable to perform their basic daily functions. In some cases, you may also qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
SSI provides a monthly income supplement to help pay for some of your expenses. Most SSI benefits are paid by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and are based on a monthly basis. You will need to determine the amount of benefits you are eligible for through careful research.
If you are disabled and receive SSI benefits, there is no guarantee that you will continue to receive them if you are laid off from your job or become disabled again. You will also need to continue to pay back the SSI benefits in order to keep the SSI benefits.