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Star Wars Technology in Real Life



Star Wars technology has inspired real-life innovation, inspiring such items as lightsabers, speeder bikes and hologram projectors as seen in the movies. Some of its most beloved gadgets have already hit store shelves!

Luke Skywalker loses his hand during battle in The Empire Strikes Back and was equipped with a bionic arm by medical bot. Today, something similar exists: the robotic DEKA arm.

The Dykstraflex

George Lucas introduced audiences to an entire world of fantasy technology in 1977’s Star Wars movies. While some elements may never become reality (such as faster-than-light travel or lightsabers), other aspects of Lucas’ work have inspired tangible developments in modern science.

John Dykstra of ILM Visual Effects Department created the Dykstraflex camera system as a motion control camera system to film models against blue screens with precise motor-driven movements, then combine or “compose” these scenes together into dynamic shots to give Star Wars’ X-Wing fighters their characteristic movement.

ILM’s motion control techniques were an incredible triumph for the studio and helped it become one of Hollywood’s premier effects studios. Even today when films heavily utilize CGI effects, many still draw upon ILM’s pioneering motion control techniques for productions.

Bionic Arms

Heroes and villains alike in Star Wars were given bionic replacement limbs following battle, making the technology sci-fi when first featured but today becoming an option for people who lose an arm or leg.

Engineers have developed a robotic prosthetic that lets amputees touch and feel, using small robots the size of matchboxes to interpret thoughts into actions. Dubbed LUKE, this artificial limb connects directly with brain circuitry for realistic sensations that mimic natural movements.

The robotic arm allows recipients to perform dexterous movements with relative ease while also adapting quickly to each wearer’s neural function. The project is a partnership between DARPA and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; their first LUKE arms will feature designs inspired by Star Wars characters including Iron Man, Elsa from Frozen and BB-8.


Star Wars was an amazing journey through space history as its heroes and villains like Darth Vader battled with futuristic lightsabers, robots, vehicles, holograms, heads-up displays, robotic arms and commercial space travel to other planets; yet some technologies such as manmade stars or jetpacks may never become reality! Luckily for all viewers watching it now! Many technologies seen on-screen have since become reality (holograms, HUD displays and robotic arms); others may soon follow (commercial space travel or landing people on other planets); others may never arrive (manmade stars or jetpacks).

Star Wars was the first film to introduce audiences to 3D wireframe animation, giving an additional depth and dimension to its story. Since then, it’s become an essential feature in movies and TV shows alike.

Jet packs were an enduring highlight of the movie for generations, inspiring countless generations to dream of flying like Baze Malbus. Unfortunately, we’re still far away from donning such devices ourselves, but Gravity Industries has developed a prototype with back and arm-mounted engines which allow users to soar. Being tested for military and emergency rescue applications as well as potentially helping those paralyzed with mobility.

Exotic Locations

Star Wars may still be far away, but some of its technology has already come true: Holograms, HUD displays and robotic arms have already found their way into our everyday lives; artificial intelligence and space travel may still be some way off but are certainly within our grasp.

Coruscant, Tatooine and Felucia’s haunted architecture is actually drawn from real locations on Earth; filmmakers capture footage at these spots before digitally manipulating it for use on set – cutting down on travel time between exotic locales for film crews.

Even though the lightsaber is one of the most iconic pieces of technology from Star Wars, it remains far away from becoming an effective weapon. Scientists have created handheld lasers that mimic lightsaber blades – however these lasers lack sufficient power to penetrate steel doors or cut through Sith Lord arms.

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