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6 Marketing Strategies To Keep Your Clients Updated



Marketing Strategies

Nowadays, customers have more options at their disposal than ever before, not to mention a deeper understanding of good quality service, allowing them to circumvent gimmicks and seek out the most streamlined experience they can. This, along with customers’ increasing mobile technology usage, has highlighted the relevance of engagement with them. With this in mind, the following are six marketing strategies to keep your clients updated.

Create Groups

The first marketing strategy to keep your clients updated is to create a social media group. Social media has irreparably altered how the world communicates and is projected to grow exponentially in the upcoming years. Therefore, it is imperative to capitalize on the opportunity and create groups on the most popular social media platforms, which your customers are most likely already using. This will enable you to engage directly with customers by sharing desired information, updating them about upcoming services, and answering questions. This creates a two-way dialogue where the creator and customer can interact on equal terms to find the best solutions and share experiences.

Host Contests

The second marketing strategy to keep your clients updated is to host contests on social media platforms. Campaigns and games are highly cost-effective and successful engagement tactics involving participation and prizes, which customers enjoy and are more comfortable than ever hosting on social media platforms. They will make it easy to engage customers, retain their attention, and keep them updated.

Develop Campaigns

The third marketing strategy to keep your clients updated is to develop customer engagement campaigns using CRM or customer relationship management. Social media platforms provide ample opportunity to engage and interact with customers. However, just as important is analyzing the resulting data to identify patterns and make subsequent decisions accordingly. Nowadays, CRM is mostly integrated with social media platforms to allow easy access to real-time snapshots of what customers are engaging with.

Organize Events

The fourth marketing strategy to keep your clients updated is to organize offline events. Offline events present a more intimate and personal way to socialize and communicate than the usual instant messaging and other online communication modes. This promotes loyalty to and understanding of the brand in question. A periodic meetup at an agreed-upon venue or a booth set up at an ongoing public event can make a great place to catch up and make customers feel part of something unique. Offline events provide a hearkening back to a more straightforward and more classic way of engaging with customers.

Include Customers

The fifth marketing strategy to keep your clients updated is to bring customers to your team. This can be done by involving them in product-making through interactive tours, seeking out their opinions and incorporating their feedback, surprising them with promotions and periodic shout outs on various social media platforms.

Showing them appreciation for their loyalty, inviting them to create content together as a team, including them while framing case studies,  will inform them when certain milestones have been reached.

Strategize Content

The sixth marketing strategy to keep your clients updated is to strategize content. Since customers have grown tired of disruptive advertisements and prefer more valuable and actionable information, offer them exclusive content that can widen their understanding and knowledge of the services your brand promotes. This content can come in a variety of different formats, from paper to podcasts. Developing and implementing a marketing strategy with e-mail to text can maximize customer engagement and ROI quickly.

Successful customer engagement can optimize the customer’s experience and loyalty. Most companies realize this but often fail to make anything of it due to poor planning and lack of strategy, which are essential because customer engagement doesn’t happen overnight or by chance.

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